
vocation / vacation

liable / viable

extensive / intensive
助记:ex- 外,出 + tens- 伸展,握紧 + tive有…倾向的
助记:in- 里,内 + tens- 伸展,握紧 + tive有…倾向的

dispose / compose / propose
助记:pr- 谐音“骗人”,像骗人一样,举起戒指o,跪下的pose

thorough / through
例句:It was a thorough waste of time. (这完全是浪费时间。)
词义:prep.&adv. 穿过;自始至终;通过;利用 adj. 完成的;结束的;直达的
例句:They walked slowly through the woods. (他们缓步穿过树林。)

snake / sneak / snack
例句:I managed to sneak in through the back door while she wasn't looking. (我趁她不注意从后门偷偷溜了进来。)
例句:I only have time for a snack at lunchtime. (中午,我的时间只够吃点心。)

strike / stroke
词义:vi. 罢工 v. 打,击;攻击;(时钟)敲,鸣,报时;擦,划(火柴);猛然意识到;给(某人以...)印象
例句:The workers are striking for better pay and improved safety standards.(工人们正在罢工,要求加薪并提高安全标准。)
词义:n. 击;报时的钟声;击&划&笔;轻抚,抚摸;中风
例句:How many strokes did you count?(你听见钟敲了几下?)

superior / supreme / superb
词义:adj. 优良的,占优势的;上级的 n. 上级;长者;高手
助记:super 在上面 + 连接字母 i + -or 人
例句:The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them).(敌人由于在人数上占优而取胜。)
例句:the Supreme Court (最高法院)
例句:He is a superb dancer.(他是一个杰出的舞蹈家。)

spill / split / spoil
词义:v. 溢出,溅出 n. 洒出(量),溢出(量)
例句:I spilled coffee on my shirt.(我把咖啡洒到衬衫上了。)
词义:v. 裂开,劈开;分裂,分离 n. 分歧;分裂;划分
例句:The teacher split the children into three groups.(老师把孩子们分成3组。)
助记:通spill ①裂开 → 损坏; ②打破规则 → 宠坏
例句:He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.(他努力不让那个坏消息破坏他晚上的兴致。)

considerable / considerate
例句:It is a considerable sum of money.(那是一笔数量可观的钱。)
例句:He is always considerate to old people.(他对老人一向体贴入微。)

accident / incident
例句:There was a horrible accident here yesterday.(昨天在这里发生了一起可怕的事故。)
例句:The whole incident was recorded on film.(整个事件都记录在胶片上了。)

sensitive / sensible
词义:adj. 敏感的,感觉的,易受影响的,易受伤害的
例句:I suppose I shouldn't be so sensitive.(我想我不该这么恼怒。)
词义:adj. 明智的;意识到的;通晓事理的;明显的
例句:That seems to be a sensible idea.(那似乎是个明智的主意。)

special / specific
例句:A special subcommittee adjudicates on planning applications.(有一个特别小组委员会裁决规划申请项目。)
词义:adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;具有特效的
例句:He speaks in concepts rather than specifics.(他讲话时尽用抽象概念,而不谈具体。)

confidant / confident
例句:a loose-lipped confidant(无话不谈的知己。)
例句:I feel confident that we will win.(我确信我们将胜利。)

simulate / stimulate
词义:v. 模仿,模拟;假装,冒充(-simul-=same相同+动词后缀-ate)
例句:The computer simulates different road conditions for new drivers to practise on.(计算机模拟不同的路况供学习者练习。)
词义:v. 刺激,使兴奋;激励,鼓舞(stimul=stick刺+动词后缀-ate)
例句:Good teachers should ask questions that stimulate students to think. (好的老师应该问一些能激发学生们思考的问题。)

conscience / conscious
助记:con- 全 + science科学、知道,全知道
例句:a guilty conscience(问心有愧)
助记:con- + -sci- = cut切、区分 + 连接字母 i + 形容词后缀 -ous
例句:He's still conscious but he's very badly injured.(他神志还清醒,但伤得很重。)
